Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Regarding Catholic and Religious Hospitals and Early Christianity

I was very struck by this article A Christian Approach to Covering Healthcare that was in U.S, news and World Report. It seems to echo what the the mentality of the early Christians.

Why don't we do this today? I have been Catholic for some time now but I have not quite got the purpose of the modern day Catholic Hospital. For that matter what is the purpose of the modern day Baptist, Lutheran, Methodist Hospital in Christian life.

It seems to me that we should be looking at the above and asking if we can perhaps do aspects of what the Samaritan Ministries of Peoria, Ill is doing. We do have the infrastructure to take it to another level.


William Eunice said...

The two comments after the article raise the serious question about this and why, ultimately they will have to be regulated just like insurance companies or simply dissolve away. Who is going to fight the good fight when a legitimate claim is denied? What if they go under and its members are unable to get traditional health insurance?

James H said...

THere are of course problems here with what they are doing . For instance the no pre exisiting condition. I am also not against common sense regualtions.

But it does sem the concept is good and it does play into Christians taking care of their own and those that need assistance.