Wednesday, July 9, 2008

A Intimate Pic from the Pope Benedict's Travel to the USA

The Pope's upcoming World Youth Day trip has got me excited and thinking of the Holy Father's recent trip to the United States. Perhaps Catholic Bloggers need to recap what the Holy Father said on this trip and the message he brought so they do not just become writings that people might from time to tome access on a Vatican Web site.

It will be nice that much of this trip the Holy Father will be speaking in English of course and that will make his message to the World more accessable to us here in the USA or at least should be in the media more.

Anyway the Ratzinger Forum in ones its many Italian photo sections had this Charming pic (Click on link for better photo) that I had not seen from the Pope's trip to American. It appears to be a intimate Birthday celebation with a course a goofy cake which is cool.

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