Thursday, November 1, 2007

The Preacher to the Pope Gives Us His All Saints Day(Holy Day) Homily

The Preacher to the Papal Household has a special homily for us today for All Saints Day. It is not very long and is a nice read. Go to Who Are the Saints?Gospel Commentary for the Feast of All Saints' Day.

I like this part:

Perhaps in part because of the time of the year in which it falls, the feast of All Saints' Day has something special that explains its popularity and the many traditions linked to it in some sectors of Christianity. The motive is what John says in the second reading. In this life, "we are God's children now; what we shall be has not yet been revealed." We are like the embryo in the womb of a mother yearning to be born. The saints have been "born" (the liturgy refers to the day of death as "the day of birth," "dies natalis.") To contemplate the saints is to contemplate our destiny. All around us, nature strips itself and the leaves fall, but meanwhile, the feast of the saints invites us to gaze on high; it reminds us that we are not destined to wither on this earth forever, like the leaves


Anonymous said...

Our Priest gave a similar homily today...

James H said...

I thought it was a great Homily. I was over at your blog a little bit ago and sawe your approved prayer that was called " Approved Prayer for the Intercession of Paul M. Murphy"

I must admit I have followed your posting on this movement and are very interesting. I was assuming thiswas UK in origin. I had no idea the "founder" or members of Miles Jesu was from the USA. I will prob be looking over your blog to get links to sort of do a intro on this