Sunday, January 10, 2010

There is A Difference Between A Right To Revolution and the Right to Secession

I am again engaged on this topic on the web.

It is often said the victors write the history of war. I sometimes wonder if in many cases the Civil War is one of those curious examples of how this did not happen.

It seems in term of propaganda the "Lost Cause" faction did a pretty good job last Century. I hope this is corrected on the upcoming Civil War Anniversary observance.

This seems to come up on the topic of secession. I believe there is no legal right to secede from the Union. I think this is apparent from History.

It seems that most evidence Pro- Secession folks point too does not deal with secession but the natural law right to Revolution. That is another whole different kettle of Fish!!!

Hopefully in the years ahead some progress can be made on this front.

As to the topic of secession I really don't people think this topic through. There seems to be some assumption in all these future hypos that the "seceding" government would be more "free". Why that assumption is made I am not sure.

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