Sunday, January 17, 2010

The New Madrid Fault Will Make Haiti Look Like A Garden party

Have no mistake it will go off again and when it does the devastation and death will be like nothing this country has ever seen. In fact it very would could force the United States into a into long term economic woes.

The last time it went off in the early 1800's the Mississippi River ran backwards for several days. While we go look at those poorly constructed building in Haiti does anyone think that Memphis and St Louis will fare any better.

Levees will break and the Mississippi River might be coming down your neighborhood. The nations largest and critical highway will be unnavigable. Nationwide food disruptions (which will have a world wide effect)corpses piling up, disease and martial law.

I am not trying to get all HISTORY CHANNEL DOOM AND GLOOM here but it is going to happen.

Haiti should be a warning to start preparing now. Maybe the media should be using this time to explore this and educate people.

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