Friday, January 15, 2010

I thought the GOP was Divided?

I have had my differences with Erick Erickson before. Partly because I think his definition of conservative is a tad narrow. But I really agree with what he says here at The Story The Media Is Missing Because It Does Not Fit Their Narrative

Right now the media is missing a really big story. It does not fit their narrative.
The narrative, of course, is that conservatives want a totalitarian pure party with a purity test for the GOP. You want gay marriage? No way. Pro-choice? No support. For government assisted health care options? We don’t recognize you. At least that is what the media claims.
So the media has and is ignoring the alliance between left and right among the GOP in Massachusetts.
Scott Brown is not a conservative. He makes no pretension of being a conservative. He defends Romneycare, which most conservative have rejected. He is pro-choice. But he is for less government interference in the free market and less spending. Like Pat Toomey in Pennsylvania, he is the perfect sort of Republican candidate for New England.
Jim DeMint’s Senate Conservatives Fund is encouraging its members to support and donate to Scott Brown.. Marco Rubio is supporting Scott Brown. RedState is supporting Scott Brown. We, well . . . I, suspect he’ll give conservatives heart burn as New England Republicans do. But all of us know he is a good, pragmatic fit for Massachusetts. He’ll vote against Obamacare and he’d vote against a second stimulus. Conservatives do know, despite media and liberal Republican (called “moderate” by the media) claims to the contrary, that the GOP needs 51 seats in the Senate to have a majority.
Conservative and liberal Republicans are united behind Scott Brown. You’d think a mainstream media that has generated millions of words on television, radio, and print about conservatives demanding a pure party would take notice.
But that would shatter their whole narrative. And the last thing anyone wants to do at the next party at the Met or Sally Quinn’s house is mention the latest liberal friend in rehab or that maybe their group think on conservatives is shallow, self-serving, and vain

I think this largely true. I have noticed on more conservative pro-life Republican leaning blogs that there is much support for Brown. Brown might be "pro-choice" but at least he reaches out to pro-lifers on some issues. An prime example of that can be seen here in a issue that perhaps the Dem has messed up on. See Martha Coakley: Nuns are Bad, Pedophiles are Good. and GAME-CHANGER—Martha Coakley: Devout Catholics “Probably Shouldn’t Work in the Emergency Room” (Audio)

Of course speaking from the social conservative side , we have always been a lot more pragmatic than given credit for and this is really nothing new.

However this internet alliance nationwide that has been going on for a couple of months and in alliance in Massachusetts appears to be real.

There are of course fractures and disagreements. But it appears a 60 vote filibuster proof Senate and President Obama has stopped a lot of the bickering among all the factions.

Not good news for the Dems. Which shows the irony of the 2008 election. Perhaps just perhaps the democrats were too successful in 2008 and now it's coming back to bite them

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