Thursday, January 7, 2010

I Really Don't Like the Term States Rights

Yet educated people use it all the time that want to advance a Federalism position.

"States Rights" is a loaded term. It means different things to different people. It also has a a not so pleasant history at times. Used to justify such things a dubious nullifcation theories and well fairly recently keeping a good many Americans as second class citizens. Part of winning the battle is PR and I would propose that the use of the word State Rights is not productive.

In some way it is like the word Captialism that is also a loaded word. I prefer to use "market economy".

Regardless why don't we return to the use of the word FEDERALISM. Great concept that is in fact the law or regime we should be operating off of. There are Federal areas of jurisidiction and areas of State jurisidiction. There is no need to have one side presented as the Governement of all purity and the other side as the force of all mischief and evil.

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