Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Why the Elites Hate Religious Conservatives.

I very much was struck to a post that Rod Dreher linked too. This is sort of related to the post I just did here at Will the New GOP Be More Demonized Than the Old GOP

Rod at his Why US elites hate religious conservatives posts this guys observations:

Elite consensus on the issues of race, sex and role of faith in public life are to the left of public opinion, the only area in which this is the case. Elite opinion is overwhelmingly secular, pro-choice, supportive of gay rights and hostile to overt displays of racism.
Tolerance and liberalism on this front is a very useful tool, since it buys political space to be more conservative on the more important money issues. It also enjoys the advantage of making the right enemies, after all who wants to be on Pat Robertson's side during weekend dinner parties at the Hamptons.

When social conservative complain about the "Liberal Media" they are not wrong, but only in regard to their issues. The contempt of the American elite for the religious right is quite real. What social conservatives misunderstand is that the hostility against them is not because the threat their ideas represent but only a display of the traditional contempt that the merciless strong have for people they consider to be the feeble minded weak.

The significance of the religious right in our politics is only in the wonderful diversions their issues create. Issues that feed a war between urban educated middle classes against the more numerous, the ever more frustrated lower income fundamentalists on issues that are unsolvable in nature.

I think this is very true. In fact did we not see it a millions times this past year. Whether it s was the fact that Huckabee or Brownback did not agree with ALL aspect of evolution theory or whatever. At some point many of us were gong what does any of this have to do with running for President

However that is not the first case of this I have seen this year nor will it be the last I suppose. Sadly I am seeing some Catholics do the same darn thing.

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