Friday, September 5, 2008

Well It's Own- McCain - Palin


Carlos Echevarria said...

James, how are you doing???
What a week, huh, especially for you guys in the Gulf coast areas...

I have a very intersting story regarding a call I attempted to make to David Axelrod (I knew he would not come out, but I was coy about it,on their promps for the 800 number I said I was going to contribute, LOL)

They transfered me over to the Operations room.

I got someone who did not want to give me his last name and in a professional manner, I said why can't I speak to Axelrod, I am a citizen in the new post modern world of Obama Nation...

Interestingly, I asked him about the Daily Kos connectin and the Obama campaign...WE HE DID NOT DENY, BUT WOULD NOT CONFIRM, BUT THE INFERENCE WAS PLAIN....

He proceeded to lecture me that nobody listens to people like us and soon we will have to oblige a new paradigm starting in January.

Lastly, I asked about the paperwork that from the age of 7 to 11 he had been a Muslim, and had a different last name in Idonesia. (TexasDarlin and No Quarter, both Clintonistas have exposed that issue)

He then asked me my religion, seriously, I said I am a proud Roman Catholic, and then he asked if I was "registered" with the church?

Apparently the moron has never heard of our sacraments/catecisms, etc or he thinks we are like Moromons or something, LOL

Lastly, I touched Florida, because Biden had been in Broward county near Ft. Lauderdale and asked why he did not talk about the fact Barry will sit down with the Mullahs, with Hamas, Hezbollah, Syria, well as with Raul. (my parents are Cuban Americans, since 59')

He did not deny the fact he was going to lift the embargo and negotiate with the Castro brothers, well I least one of them
right!!! (in 04' when he ran for Senate he said the embargo should go)

He went so far as asking me if I had ever travelled to Cuba, which is no, because I was born in Miami, my father arrived in 59', he fought with Batista against Castro, then both my grandfather and father went to the Bay of Pigs. (gee, another Dem president telling us he would tough, sound familiar????)....later my dad some work for The Company in the 70's and 80's.

Again, the inference being the Cuba is not such a bad place, as you recall the Obama campaign office in Houston had flags of Che all over the place!!!!

WAKE UP AMERICA,,,,these people don't respect women, don't respect our troops, don't respect Catholics (unless they are Pelosi types) and they hate those of us that cling to guns and religion...

James H said...

Well I am doiing fine but sadly the res tof the state is really screwed up. Even large parts of the North from Flooding Places like Baton even are still under curviews and most do not have power. I am praying IKE does not come this way

That is a hilaroous story. I was very curious how OBama views on Cuba were playng out. I am very worried about the Latino vote and I am hoping Cubans will stay in our corner . Is Senator Martinez still pretty popular?

Carlos Echevarria said...

Well, the most popular politician is Charlie Crist, as you probably know he was intrumental in terms of aiding Mac three days before the Florida primary.

As for Hispanics, you have to segment it and break it down because people like my parents, older Cuban Americans, first wave in the 60's are solid GOP, due to Kennedy's Bay of Pigs betrayal. (as well as Jimmy Carter, Mariel, etc)

However, the newer ones, born into the revolution, and live here in South Florida, tend to be more Democratic in that they want a Swedish style model. (democracy but with handouts, understand)

They have been inculcated by the Revolution and so they tread very liberal...they also want to lift the embargo and be able to send remittances and fly freely to Cuba.

The problem is that there is a cottage industry of "agents" who commerce in that sector, and the money ends up in Cuban government hands, charging exorbitant prices to send packages, money, etc. (like a billion dollars a year)

There is a small few, fringe really with the older Cuban American that were manipulated by Obama back in May when he came...he told them he supported the embargo. (he lied and said he had never taken a position on Cuba, I can send you the youtube 04' clip of him calling for lifting the embargo.

Puerto Ricans are Democrats, but alot were with Hillary (PR caucas), they lean Democratic, but we could get some.

Colombians, ironically, because Mac is great friends with Uribe and wants Free Trade, which Barack opposes, tend to be Democratic, too.

Lastly, I would tell you the following, Mac's top Cuban advisors are former political prisoner, Roberto Martin Perez, childhood friend of my father, who spent 27 yrs as a prisoner in Fidel's gulags.

Rep Lincoln & Mario Diaz Balart and Rep Ileana Ros Lehtinen, all good people, my family is friends with the Diaz Balart family since their days in Cuba, in the 50's...

South Florida, overall, will probably be won by Obama, very liberal, especially Miami Dade-Broward-Palm Beach, but the Naples/Ft Myers, Tampa, Panhandle military areas will put Mac over the top in November, don't believe the hype that Obama is competitive in Florida...