Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Vatican Taking Tougher Line On Medjugorje

I must say I am a tad conflicted about this because I know so so so many people who went to Medjugorie. However I think obedience is important!!! So we shall see.

The Deacon's Bench has more at More trouble for Medjugorje

Update 1

I had a interesting comment (number 1) that should be viewed to give a another outlook.


bg said...

James, confusion is old nick’s game plan; we all plan into his hands sometimes, even priests and those opposed to Medjugorje.

Even your headline is confusing because the matter you speak about does not relate to Medjugorje other than that Fr Vlasic served as a priest there (as many Franciscans have over the years)

Fr Vlasic moved from Medjugorje around 10 years ago to work with a community in Italy. It is for matters arising from his time with this community that the CDF has set its inderdict against him.

Fr Vlasic arrived in Medjugorje AFTER the apparitions began there. Many other Franciscan priests have followed him to Medjugorje and support the claims of the six visionaries, since Fr Vlasic left for Italy

And all Franciscans serving in Medjugorje are of good standing and approved by the local bishop with his signature.

Fr Vlasic is not the first or won’t be the last priest to be temporarily removed of his priestly duties by the Church.

Neither does a priest’s error or failing deny the truth of the Catholic Church. It only exposes his weakness.

The Vatican is not taking a tougher line on Medjugorje. It never has taken a tougher line on Medjugorje. It is still giving consideration to all that is happening there, especially with regard to shrine status. This matter was given to the Bosnia & Herzegovina Bishops Conference to deal with. But after two years nothing was done (“disobedience” comes to mind) so the Vatican has decided to deal with the issue of shrine status instead.

Should Fr Vlasic return to good standing (he has been given this opportunity for his canonical status to be revalued), then what will the opponents of Medjugorje have to say then? If this happens then the CDF will issue a notice. The bishop of Mostar will then have to obey the CDF instruction to inform that the inderdict has been lifted.

Time will tell, but as we all are, Fr Vlasic is in need of prayer.

James H said...

Thansk for the cooment I will reference it in the post

Anonymous said...


Many thanks for putting this latest hoo-ha over Medjugorje into some kind of context.

The facts are quite simple - no decision either way over the nature of the apparations = no official pilgrimages. "Best practice" if people go there is to ensure that they are looked after properly by knowledgeable and competent spiritual directors. JPII and Benedikt XVI seem to be consistent over this. JPII was clearly in favour of such visits whilst himself being obedient to the consequences of there being no official decision or definition of what was happening.

Opponents of Medjugorje might well consider what the present Bishop of Mostar has said; first he has pointed that a "healthy devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary" is an important part of Catholic Devotion. He has also indicated his approval of the overall management of affairs in Medjugorje having laid down the guidelines many years ago (at a Confirmation Service I was privileged to attend.

Of course there are nutters galore congregating as always around events that are not yet clearly defined. Fr. Slavko told us once of a group of so-called seers who prophesied the end of the world on a Good Friday in the early 1990s. They left Medjugorje rather shamefaced at the Easter Weekend which followed.

None of this should blind us either to that fact that nothing is decided or to the fact that so many Catholics, and others, have returned from Medjugorje with a "healthy devotion to the BVM" which continues to inspire and inform their devotional life.

For my myself I have a strong belief that it is high time that the critics confined themselves to what is actually being said by the appropriate authorities rather than feeding off the ill-informed opposition.