Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Republican Senator Brownback On Republicans Being WHOLE PRO-LIFE

I love Senator Brownback. He is on the issues one of the best Catholic politicians in America. That sadly does not get the attention from Catholic media and pundit he needs. I did not support him for President (partly because I thought he did that have that "it " factor to win and his views of splitting up Iraq) but I liked him very much. He did a Interview and here is a part:

“I want to say, (Democrats) are wrong on life and marriage,” Brownback says, “and here is our social justice agenda. We haven’t gone that distance. We’ve said, you get the social justice agenda, we get the life and marriage agenda. And I’m pushing at this cloth of being pro-life and whole life, and that applies to the immigrant, the person in prison, to those is poverty and those in Darfur.”***He says it’s a good sign that John McCain has been an advocate for several of these issues.

This is very true. Immigration reform and issues of torture were not easy issue for him. That is one reason I have become disillusioned with many Progressive Catholic organizations that refuse to acknowledge this about McCain.

I so believe that if Obama had lets say if Obama had put a pro lifers on the ticket as VP, the the progressive Catholics would have a compelling argument that Catholics needed to support this move b voting for Obama. I would not buy it in the end But I would think it would need a hearing and I would see it merits.

The problem is this doesn't work as to McCain which is indeed sad. It seems I am told all the time it is not smart to have Catholic Social Justice concerns as Abortion all confined to one party and THAT IS RIGHT. However when there is movement in the Republican Party as to other Catholic Social Justice concerns this is all ignored. I find the double standard frustrating.

Anyway Pro-Ecclesia has much more on the Brownback article here


Carlos Echevarria said...

James, 2 quick anecdotes:

Called the local Obama campaign, in order to ascertain Obama's Cuba policy...same thing, begin to lift the embargo unilaterally and meet without conditions, Raul Castro???

Last night, I was on 4 Marks a Catholic social network site, there was a video, Catholics for Obama...the topics you discuss, torture, poverty, war, etc.

What a joke, like Barry is going to be a social justice progressive, the same guy that believes in infanticide.

The same guy who would leave Christians in Iraq to the whims of the Islamo Fascists.

The same guy belittles those who cling to religion.

The same guy brought up in the religion of war, mysoginy, hatred and barbarism

James H said...

Carlos I so agree

I need to check at that forum (Four Marks) .

The double standard is horrible. In fact just last week We honored MOther Teresa that was quite clear there would no peace or justice as long as abortion was around.

What about Dorthy Day!!! She had the same views