Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Palin's Daughter is 17 not 12 and Other Thoughts

The whole vile reaction to Governor Palin by some has been nothing like I have ever seen. There have been countless blog posts and forum posts. My first question is do people realize this is going to backfire.

By far the best post I have seen on this subject or subjects( It seems that we have gone from incest accusations, to now how Palin is a horrible example of Motherhood) is at the Anchoress blog.

See Foul & Vile & Ignorant on Palin, Sarah & Bristol meltdown the haters, Bristol Pregnant; watch “tolerant” & “intolerant” and Sew the Scarlet A for Sarah Palin! - UPDATED.

Reading those post it is amazing how out of hand and just stupid this has gotten!!!

Why the attacks? Because they know she is a game changer!! She is a game changer in ways way beyond this election!!!!

I keep hearing now how the GOVERNOR OF ALASKA (can we start using the term Governor more please just as a common courtesy) need to withdraw from the race so she can support her 17 year old ENGAGED daughter!! What?

This young woman is the age or about to be the age of when many of our grandparents got married. What do people want GOVERNOR Palin to do? Rush back to Alaska and micromanage her new Son in law and Daughter's household?

I find it amazing I am seeing Catholic spout some of this stuff and trying to cover it in "traditional values" . Please. It is a sad fact that we as Catholic have forgotten our hisotry of Catholic Queens.

For a good post on this see Douthat's post Sarah Palin's Baby Problem where he looks at Maria Theresa, who ruled an empire while bearing twenty children!!!


Carlos Echevarria said...

James, once again you are totally right...

Are we to forget that Our Blessed Holy Mother was mistreated in her day and age because of her pregnancy and the manner it came about???

This young girl is going to take the child to term, the right decision.

Barack Obama's mother had him at 18,she was pregnant when they got married.

This is pretty garden variety stuff in today's day & age.

The important thing is that Bristol choose life and did not pursue the culture of death which John Paul the Great bemoan against constantly.

Anonymous said...

Well said Carlos. Like all of us, Bristol is not perfect, but I admire her courage to choose Life.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for this post. And I know EXACTLY your frustration with Catholics who are using this as an issue against Palin.

James H said...

Thanks all

I just find this incredible and insulting. I can not imagine how people from Alaska feel that people are making a fine person like Plain look like the Alaska Hillbillys

Cindy Willmot said...

This whole topic is bothering me. Firstly, Carlos, Our Blessed Mother did not become pregnant through her SIN. She accepted her state willing as God's divine will. Unless I have missed something Bristol Palin's situation should in no way be compared to BVM. How she must hang her head in sorrow! Secondly, this situation once again begins to normalize teenage sex--by saying "See no one can refrain." It is an insult to the human race and all of us who DID NOT HAVE SEX AT 16! Thirdly, this situation IMHO is trying to push on us a view of the glory of the Republican version of feminism---see women--You can have a large family AND a career. As a woman who gave up her career to become a SAHM, my family has given up much. Our oldest son is Bristol Palin's age---he is most certainly not having sex or doing drugs. He's searching for colleges and planning a future. I RESENT the fact that this issue is made mainstream and we are just supposed to overlook the dysfunction in this family simply because this teenager decided to keep her baby. We have allowed abortion to become the ONLY parameter in measure for traditional values. Sarah Palin seems to be a terrific person. The Republicans had an opportunity to address a serious issue---the plight of prenatal diagnoses of babies with Down Syndrome. It has now become the Bristol Palin-teenage Mom show. FWIW, my grandmother was 21 when she married and had her first child, my mother was 20 and I married at 24.