Thursday, September 4, 2008

Ancient Roman Settlement Located Near Cleveland!!

Some how I doubt this but this is what the Iranian Press is reporting!! It sounds a tad too Clive Cussler

Roman settlement uncovered in US Thu, 04 Sep 2008 13:16:36 GMT

Steve Sherlock discovers Anglo-Saxon artifacts

An American archaeologist has uncovered the foundations for a Roman settlement on east Cleveland coast in the United States. According to a report in The Northern Echo, archaeologist Steve Sherlock has found a 1,600 year-old site for creating jet jewellery, with the help of volunteers from the Teesside Archaeological Society. Sherlock's latest discovery comes a year ater he uncovered evidence of Anglo-Saxon royalty in a farmer's fields near Loftus. Aerial photographs first guided Sherlock's Iron Age research project to the location in 2004, showing evidence of an Iron Age enclosure.

Then last year, the site revealed 109 Anglo Saxon graves. Among the graves was one lady buried wearing three gold brooches, one of which is unparalleled in Anglo-Saxon England. A hoard of brooches, pendants and beads also uncovered from the site in superb condition, are thought to date back to the 7th century and to have connections with the ancient Kings of Northumbria. FBA/RA

Needless to say exciting if true

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