Saturday, September 6, 2008

Alfred Hitchcock and His Catholicism

I am a big Hitchcock fan. My tow favorite movies of his are ones though that are not often high on others people list. That is Rope and the wonderful sort of dark Comedy Trouble with Harry.

Creative Minority Report has a nice post on this at Hitchcock: Crazed Monster or Catholic Moralist?

I do wonder if Catholic Moviemakers nowadays can get the same sort of take on evil and death like Hitchcok got. Just as to death , I have a feeling Catholics that used to embrace various rituals ( and I ma not only talking Sacramental) of death are sort of getting away from it. Anyway good read.


Carlos Echevarria said...

Fascinating, Hitchcock was a master, they don't make men of his calibre in that field any more.

I am a big Shakespeare fan and now apparently we learn he was Catholic and had Catholic themes embedded in his plays!!!

James H said...

I love Hithcock. I seem to recall a more expansive article on Hitchcok and his Catholic faith and I am trying to find it

Speaking of Shakesphere. FIrst Thing has a article on that this month