There is a very good column up here entitled "RINO" Label Used Too Flippantly By Conservatives.
I have been preaching that for years.
Since those days, I've occasionally branched out and suggested some policy or position that doesn't reflexively mirror some bedrock conservative outlook. Often some readers of this column, whom I deeply respect and appreciate, will call me out for this or that view by dismissing me as a "RINO" -- a "Republican in Name Only."
I know where he is coming from.
Sometimes it seems the only way to shed the dreaded "RINO" label is to forget about pragmatic lawmaking and instead just appear on radio or TV, selling CDs, books or other trinkets, and telling everybody only what they want to hear. And that's too bad, for conservatives and everybody else.
Read the whole thing. He talks about how many are doing this charge as to Republicans that voted to ratify the most recent START treaty. I did not blog much on it because well I did not feel I was qualified to say anything on it. I had concerns but a lot of REPUBLICANS I TRUST and that have served this Country in this area were behind it. So that is good enough for me.
In is ironic but poor Senator Lindsey Graham that often is labeled a RINO every five seconds was against it.
The comments at the article go on the attack right away. That really cannot be used to determine if this is the mood of the conservative and Tea Party movement. Comment sections at newspapers, blogs and sites like that can be deceiving and just become the ultimate echo chamber.
Still on twitter and elsewhere I saw people ided as Tea Party slamming Republicans that voted for the Treaty.
Now that does not mean that it was the TEA PARTIES position on the treaty. In fact , and this is critical, it seems the Tea Party having a position on the issue goes beyond what they say will be their focus. So I would be interested to see who if any of the leadership of the various Tea Parties chimed in.
Beyond that he is correct. As I have always said there is a huge danger of extreme litmus test in the GOP. However what we often see is something far more dangerous. That is charges of RINO being thrown out on issues where there is no conservative consensus at all.
It seems to me that a lot of people whose main motivation is for you send them money every month are behind this. Certain key people state this the CONSERVATIVE position and out go the blast emails.
I rarely saw conservatives on the Internet or on the news talk about the START treaty this year. It was not an election issue. However in the final weeks everyone is a expert and to vote for it makes one a RINO? Please.
Friday, December 24, 2010
Here Come the Charges of RINO On START Treaty !!
Posted by
James H
12/24/2010 09:49:00 AM
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