Monday, April 5, 2010

A Catholic Looks At the Episcopal Church's “Same-Sex Relationships in the Life of the Church” Document (Part 1)

Lost in the clamor over the Health Care bill , the clergy sexual abuse scandal was the release of a remarkable 95 page document by the Episcopal Church on same sex marriage. See this 95 page PDF document “Same-Sex Relationships in the Life of the Church”. MCJ has some thoughts on this here at LAODICEANS

This was presented to the meeting of the Episcopal Bishops just a couple of weeks ago. This document is produced by a major theology committee. Half the theology committee was traditionalist (opposing same sex marriage) and half was progressive (demanding same sex marriage be recognized).

Now regardless where you fall on this issue I think this is a important document. The Episcopal Church currently is the forefront on this issue. The best theological minds on both sides present their argument. The format is Traditionalists speak, Progressives speak and each reply to each other.

I think it does a great service.

No surprise I guess to many readers but I think the Traditionalist handle the progressive arguments quite well.

In fact it shocking when you read the progressive argument well how it just appears so weak. You know it is bad when they spill considerable ink on justifying this major change in Christianity on the wording of the marriage rite itself in the 1979 Book of Common Prayer.

Regardless I think people should read it for themselves and decide. I will get more in to the meat of the argument on both sides later.

I have only two major complaints with the Traditionalist argument to where I think it can be improved.

The traditionalist do a great job advocating for their case using scripture, reason, and natural law. However sadly TRADITION(with a Big T) gets left out. They mention it but only to talk about why they will not be engaging it.

Now I actually see this a necessary tactical move on their part. This again is a PROTESTANT community we are talking about. However Anglicans have generally seen the importance of tradition (Hooker's Three legged stool etc).

However the traditionalist have a problem. Their e own camp is divided over other crucial issues where Tradition comes into play. Think female Ordination etc.

So to go here is to give the progressives an opening. So I understand why they are not going there. Still it is a downfall of the document. Also it is not helpful at all in one sentence they seem to equate tradition with a small t (vestments) with much biggie issues of tradition with a big T (Bishops).

Second the science!! The traditionalist do a good job with the science. However they have fallen into the trap of you are GAY or STRAIGHT. I am struck again by observations a Catholic that struggles with Same Sex attraction often says. LOOK HOW QUICKLY THAT BISEXUAL GOES OUT THE WINDOW.

However as we know people can have some degree of same inclination at different times of their lives. It varies and at time disappears. This seems to be a common fact discussed in a College Psych intro course but we all pretend does not exist.

Again no matter what side you are on here is a excellent piece on arguments and counter arguments by both sides later..

More on the arguments and counter arguments by both sides themselves later.

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