Monday, January 11, 2010

Most Republicans Really Don't Think Henry Reid Should Resign

We Republicans have been having a lot of fun over the Reid ''s Negro and Light skin comments. Still I think even the most ardent Republican does not think Reid needs to resign over this. Still it is interesting. As one person put it said:

The Democratic Heart [Kathryn Jean Lopez]
An e-mail on the topic Mark raises — what they really think:
[Harry Reid's] remark's context is (apologies) remarkable. From media reports, it appears that the Majority Leader made these statements to a group of Dems to get them to line up behind Obama. If so, for Reid to pull out the color bar and assess the lightness or darkness of Mr. Obama's skin then to comment essentially that he sounds white enough to get elected, in an effort to sell Democrats on him, really points to the depths of the bigotry and racism and hypocrisy within the party of slavery, its leadership, or both.
01/11 09:37 AMShare

Republicans and conservatives are getting tired of getting called racist. It has gone on too long and often used just to shut up people.

This is why this has been a much needed release for a lot of us conservatives and Republicans. Partly because Henry Reid has been such a huge repeat offender as to this.

So this is a much needed tonic to get rid of our frustrations.


Mary Ellen said...

There's definitely a double-standard with the Obot/Dem crowd when it comes to labeling people as racists. Reid will never get thrown out by his Party, but I have the feeling that Nevada is definitely ready to throw his bony ass out of office.

James H said...

We can hope. I got to think Nevada is tired of him