Saturday, January 16, 2010

Hillary Clinton Says Abortion Should Be a Worldwide RIGHT

This is of course nothing new.

Right after she did a photo op at the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe she said the same thing at a Planned Parenthood event in Texas. Our Lady of Guadalupe is not only the Patroness of the Americans but of the unborn.

Where is the outrage in Catholic Social Justice Circles? Will there be?

This is now the officially policy of the United States.

I return to the wise words of a this Law Prof at Notre Dame in the midst of last years election.

It seems to be a premise of many of these "for whom should Catholics vote?" discussions that "on every issue that matters, other than abortion, the election of Sen. Obama will actually yield meaningful policy actions that are edifyingly in concert with the Church's social teaching, while the election of Sen. McCain will actually yield meaningful policy actions that are distressingly in conflict with the Church's social teaching." But, this premise is false.

It is false because it ignores, or at least downplays, the political, social, cultural and economic realities that will almost certainly prevent dramatic changes with respect to most matters, and so it overestimates the "good" stuff about an Obama administration that, it is proposed, outweighs the "bad" stuff. It is also false because Sen. McCain's views (or, more precisely, the policies likely to be pursued by his administration) on a number of matters -- not just abortion -- are, in terms of consonance with the Church's social teaching, preferable to Sen. Obama's.

Or, so a faithful, reasonable, informed, non-duped, non-Republican-hack, Commonweal-and-First Things-reading Catholic could conclude. It's a sad thought, but . . . I'm not sure that productive conversations -- even among friends -- are possible so long as this false premise is assumed.

This new policy stance of the United States was entirely predictable. Yet many ignored it

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