Sunday, September 13, 2009

The Lying Evil Catholics Of the University of Louisiana -Lafayette (LSU /ULL Game)

We now continue to look at the state of Catholic campus ministry across the nation. I am doing this by looking at the Catholic presence on campus of the schools that Louisiana Tech and LSU play in football this year..

These week LSU gets a Louisiana opponent from just down the road. That is ULL.

ULL Catholics are very deceptive as they promulgate their lies. In Louisiana there are two major University System. The LSU system and the University of Louisiana system!!. The University of Louisiana system is compose of all the non LSU public Universities with the exception of Grambling and Southern that have their own systems. Yes I know this just yells taxpayer waste but anyway.

ULL used to be USL( The University of Southwestern Louisiana). I was not thrilled with the name change. That is not only because we could call them the "University of Slow Learners" but because I grew up with them being USL. I don't like changes like this. I still catch myself calling the "University of Louisiana -Monroe " Northeast for example.

ULL students , and no doubt some of their Jesuitical Catholics, have the annoying habit of calling their school the Univeristy of Louisiana or even worse just Louisiana. See my post from earlier this year Steeler Ike Taylor Mentions Mythical School of Louisiana In Super Bowl for more details.

Now this annoys LSU fans to no end. Some LSU fans are convinced Coach Blanco (the husband of Governor Blanco) actually ran the Government through the notorious Lafayette mafia and whose main goal was to destroy LSU and make ULL the flagship. I have to admit I thought that kinda of paranoid.

Still this drives other schools crazy. Including Louisiana Tech and ULM that are convinced that ULL wants to set itself up as the Flagship University of the Louisiana System. So one has to watch these characters.

The ULL Catholic Center 's web site is here Our Lady of Wisdom Church and Catholic Student Center . Also see the Ragin Cajun Catholics blog (Which Thankfully Does not say "University of Louisiana" without mentioning the Lafayette part - They do this under the radar no doubt).

I have a lot of good memories of ULL (the old USL). In college I made many friends there and traveled there often.
Most of my friends were associated with that Catholic Center. I suspect like then ULL along with LSU is at the core of the Louisiana Catholic College Students Association of which I was President of by the way at one time. How this North Louisiana redneck Catholic of the Yankee ( Cajuns belive everything above I-10 is Yankee ville) Louisiana Tech University pulled off that electoral coup is another story :).

ULL is one of those schools that would benefit greatly by marketing in North Louisiana. I was really taken with the campus and the city. I had no idea all that it offered . If I had known about ULL (then USL) in high school more I might have considered going there. For a Catholic parent the Catholic Center there is a good one and is viewed as important in the Diocese.

It has been years of course since I have been involved in Catholic Campus ministry. But I suspect the character of the Catholics at ULL have stayed the same. Again I always enjoyed them and people at the Catholic Center were big into their faith.

This Catholic Center also is nice because it has one of the few pretty Catholic Churches one sees on a typical campus. Sadly at many Universities the Church looks like some post Vatican II architectural horror show. However Our Lady of Wisdom is just so nice inside. It looks Catholic!! It has been a few years since I went to Mass there so hopefully no supposed Vatican II changes were made there.

I have a few ULL readers. I am not sure what the current state of Campus Ministry is at ULL and I hoping they contribute in the comment section.

When I was around ULL , like every other Louisiana College Campus ministry at the time , had the typical progressive Catholic minister. You know the type. Numerous workshops and talks on how the Vatican is wrong on X Y and Z. This got annoying and was sort of my first experience with how dictatorial progressive Catholics could be. It seemed unfair and in fact an abuse of authority to use the various Catholic college venues on a local and State level to promote UN Orthodox thought.

It gave some of us more Orthodox Catholic students fits and we had to really press for the Orthodox position to get equal time. We got a few crumbs. I can recall one year at our annual week long retreat that the former Catholic Father Matthew Fox and his Creation Spirituality was all the rage with the Campus Ministers.I am sensing this has changed a tad. Like I said this was all a long long time ago.

I think Catholics statewide need to be paying attention and supporting Catholic Campus Ministry on a bigger scale. ULL is the type of school that such a effort could produce fantastic results because of the faith of the surrounding population.

I was very happy to have heard that premier Catholic Student Center in the Country recently gave a presentation there. That sound like things are going good in Lafayette . Catholic Ministry on all Louisiana campuses are important ,but I think it is critical that they be very robust at ULL, LSU, Mcneese, Nicholls(who we shall look at in a post tomorrow) and Loyola.

Anyway hopefully ULL Catholics can break away from no doubt their silly dreams of victory against mighty LSU (See U La La Fans Delusional Already) and tell us about themselves in the comment section,

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Joe said...

the pastor at Our Lady of Wisdom is not a modernist heretic (although sometimes he is a bit too modern for my tastes, but I'm rather traditionalist myself --- I want the Mass celebrated ad orientem in Latin and I want to receive communion at the altar rail. I also do not attend Our Lady of Wisdom except for occasionally during the week. :D

Anyway, UL* is a fantastic school for Louisiana Catholics (although many, if not most, of the professors --- especially in Liberal Arts --- are extremely secularist we have a very vibrant Catholic student community here on campus that more than makes up for it). Wisdom actually looks quite nice (if one ignores the circular section in the liturgical east section of the Church. I love the statue of Our Lord: Christ the King, and the statue of St. Joseph and the statue of Our Lady. The windows (while not really stained glass) all represent one of the sacraments, and the tabernacle is beautiful.

Anyway ... :D

oh and you mentioned Nicholls ... I'm not impressed with the state of things there, but I have a strong feeling that that's more because the diocese is a hotbed of "Vatican II" style sentiments (albeit, still better off than Baton Rouge --- quotes around Vatican II are meant to show that this I'm not talking about the actual documents that came out of the council)

*UL is a perfectly legit name for our university. The only reason it's ULL is because the state wouldn't allow us to change our name from USL until ULM also wanted to change their name. If the state didn't adore LSU to the extent that it does, there wouldn't have been a problem at all. :P


James H said...

Thanks for the overview. I am curious how things are in down in Nichols

Sam Jacobs was a pretty good Bishop in Alexandria and the started a tradtion of Orthodoxy it seems. Though I know some people don't like the charismatic stuff. I can recall that he had stay on the LSU-A Student Center to make the Crucifix a central item in the Student Center

I loved the Wisodm Church If I recall correctly ti has some beautiful pinkish marble

James H said...

Hey if you know any other Catholic blogs in your area let me know so I can add them

Amy said...

Unfortunately I'm finding your blog a big late. I am the Campus Minister at Our Lady of Wisdom on THE University of Louisiana (at Lafayette) Campus. Thanks for the compliments to our ministry. You'll be happy to know that we pride ourselves on being orthodox and faithful to the Magisterium. I am a graduate of the John Paul II Institute in Washington DC and a product of this ministry in my earlier years. I'm happy to see that you follow our blog from time to time. Keep up the opinions.
Unfortunately you will have to eat your words about the superiority of the tigers this wednesday night when our boys whoop up on the tiger kitty baseball team. GEAUX CAJUNS!