Monday, September 21, 2009

Obama Says He Did Not Know ACORN Got A Lot of Federal Funds

Ohh please. The President is either lying or was the most out of touch Senator of Illinois in history not to pick up on that fact.

I suppose he can crawfish on this because of what he views as "alot" is.


Mary Ellen said...

If his lips are moving, he's lying. I'm surprised he didn't say that "This is not the ACORN I used to know."

This is the same as Nancy Pelosi saying she didn't even know there was legislation passed that took away their funding. All of the sudden, a rash of amnesia has hit the White House and Capital Hill.

James H said...

I so agree. I mean then for journalist not to call them on it. Either they are lying or these folks are incopetent. Since they got to their postions through rough and tumble politics I am saying lying