Saturday, August 15, 2009

President Obama is Not a Doctor But Has Stayed At a Holiday Inn Express

My mother is still in the hospital. More on that later.

However being in a Hospital a good bit of the day has made me think more of the whole health care debate.

I think there is are several reason why this the America people are wary of this health care bill. First they don't think the Government is being really honest with what is going on here. (This want cost a thing because we will reduce cost!! And if it does it will just be the mega rich that will be taxed!!!!) Yeah right. Already off to a bad start on the trust level.

But there is another problem These Obama Press Conferences and Town Hall meetings are the weirdest things I have seen. You actually come out f it more confused than other.

It also does not help that the President does not seem to know what he is talking about. AJ has a great post on this at President Obama Demonstrating A Frightening Lack Of Understanding On Health Care. As he says "It’s like his entire life experience base is was formed from watching network TV shows and nothing else."

Sort of like did Arnold on Different Strokes really need to get his tonsils removed or was Mr Willis conned by a doctor that just wanted to make a fast buck? Who the heck gets their tonsils out anymore. You practically have to beg for that today.

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