Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Maureen Dowd Is Saying Look At Me!!!!

A recent column Dowd has written has gotten some attention. Dowd is a liberal but I am can recognize good writing. In the times she was fascinating but over the years just became a uninteresting hack. It appears she needs attention now(lets face it her conservative and Republican foes pretty much are ignoring her now and have been for some time) so she has written a column to get noticed. LOOK AT ME!!!! She is sort of the liberal version of Pat Buchanan that has to say something bizarre nowadays to get noticed by liberals or conservatives.

It has some jewels as this

If I read all the vile stuff about me on the Internet, I’d never come to work. I’d scamper off and live my dream of being a cocktail waitress in a militia bar in Wyoming.

Militia bars in Wyoming? Are they in the yellow pages? Good grief

See An obligatory fisking of Maureen Dowd

Why do I get the impression that Dowd's main gripe is not the mean ole stuff on the Internet but no one cares about her enough anymore to write mean ole stuff about her. Lets face it since lets say since the first term of the Bush administration when she was ranting have not conservatives and republicans got bored of her not to respond


Mo MoDo said...

As the author of the only blog devoted exclusively to Maureen Dowd, I read nearly every word written about her and I can safely say the vast majority is not only mean but rather sexist and vicious as well.

James H said...


Great blog

Anonymous said...

Maureen Dowd is working my last nerve. If she hates the Church so much, why doesn't she leave? She comes off less as someone who is genuinely concerned about the victims of sexual abuse than she does as the journalistic version of an ambulance chaser lawyer who exploits for gain! She and others out there are using the scandal as a way to call attention to their agenda. Plain and simple. I wish she'd just STFU and go away.