Wednesday, July 8, 2009

A Response to George Weigel's Criticism of the Pope Benedict's Encyclical

I am finding a good many Catholics and in that group Catholic Conservatives are not too pleased with Weigel's NRO article. I actually believe this is a case of not waiting a day or two before one is has to write an article on it. A problem we say yesterday from liberal to Conservative Catholics and in the secular press. I doubt that Weigel has the document in his hand for more than just a few hours. I saw on Friday in a hilarious entry on the United States Bishops communications blog they were asking anyone to send them a bootleg copy so they could read it. So I am doubtful Weigel had it much longer than they.

Here is a good response.

On the Sheer Implausibility of George Weigel’s Story

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