Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Congress Launches Fake Pro-Life Bill (Where are the Catholic Pro-Life Obama Supporters?)

Pro Eccelsia as the story at Dems Propose Fake Pro-Life Bill That Increases Funding For Planned Parenthood

I do wonder when all these pro-life Catholics for Obama are going to start holding the President's feet to the fire.

There is constant talk of Repubcaths and such. The implication we are more Republican than Catholic or hold that our Conservative viewpoint is more important than out Catholic Faith.

However the truth is quite the opposite. In fact I am usually the one that trying to urge caution to my Catholic pro-life conservative and/or Republican friends on that threats to the GOP

But regardless from the Catholics against Rudy movement, to keeping a close eye on nominees to the Bench , to the VP nominee conservative and Republican Catholics are often out in the forefront applying the heat.

Why does it seem the Doug Kmiecs of the world have been AWOL. Doug Kmiec now does not have to explain all this since he no doubt will say that explain this state of affairs would be improper since he is now an American Envoy to Malta.

One notable exception is Michael Winters at America who has been vocal but besides that I am not hearing much.

In a few short months we have a reversal of a stem cell policy, the reversal of the Mexico City Policy, An aggressive Abortion rights Foreign Policy, a D.C. Federal funded abortion bill steamrolling through the Congress, threats of Federal funded abortions in the Health care bill , and a Supreme Court nominee that set on the board of a fierce abortion advocate. This is all breathtaking when one considers that we are just six months into the Obama term.

I can tell you if there had been a Republican Rudy Giuliani in the White House doing this conservative and Republican pro-life Catholics would be raising Holy Hell.

This is not to disregard the work of true Democrat Pro-life organizations. But they really need some help. If no one has noticed the President is not really paying attention to what Republicans are saying right now so our hands are sort of tied. The ball is in your court.

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