Saturday, July 11, 2009

Newsweek- Obama More Catholic Than the Pope (Update)

Just when you think Newsweek could not get any worse. See Without a Doubt Why Barack Obama represents American Catholics better than the pope does


Prof Garnett at Mirrors of Justice has good thought here at Obama is "more Catholic than the Pope"?

He says in part:

Townsend's mention of the Notre Dame honorary degree reminded me that one of the things I think was most regrettable about the decision, and the way it was defended and spun, was that the University allowed itself to be used to advance the President's (quite understandable, politically speaking) strategy of (subtly) separating American Catholics from their (not particularly popular at the moment) bishops and their authority. Maybe Townsend's piece is a preview of the next move? Having told American Catholics what the "right way" is to be Catholic (i.e., "don't be like that close-minded fuddy-duddy, Bishop D'arcy"), the President is now positioning himself as a model for what American Catholics should want in the (or, "their") Vicar of Christ. Thanks, Ms. Townsend, but I think I'll stick with the one the Holy Spirit picked.

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