Thursday, July 2, 2009

Is Sarah Palin the Angelina Jolie of the Political World?

It seems I am doing a lot of Palin post lately. The bashng of the Governor has now entered the land of the aburd in whole news ways. What is behind this. There are some thoughts here at Why They Hate Her, the Angelina Jolie of Politics


Repack Rider said...

Maybe you should talk to a liberal rather than speculating on what they think and why they think what you think they think, even though you are wrong on both counts.

Liberals don't "hate" Sarah Palin any more than they hate the Three Stooges. Self-destructive behavior by people who think more of themselves than anyone else thinks of them has always been the source for much of what is perceived as humor. Seeing a buffoon fall flat is funny.

The Three Stooges at least knew it was an act. The fact that Palin does not adds to the humorous aspect. Who wouldn't want to laugh at someone who considers herself a serious adult, while she finds new and inventive ways to demonstrate the falsity of that view?

What you perceive as "hate" is the sort of black humor mixed with relief that people feel when a disaster happens to someone else.

James H said...

I have actually talked to liberals on this and fo course they are not all alike .

It is hard to see what humor (black or otherwise is in the Vanity Fair Piece) or in Andrew Sullivans wild rants about her and such