Monday, June 8, 2009

The Outing Of Bloggers and Prop 8 Controversy

Who knew so many people read legal blogs!! I thought I was just part of a nerdy subclass. For background see Anonymous Blogger is Outed and All Hell Breaks Lose (Updated) a post I did earlier.

I don't have the numbers in front of me but it appears on average from googling this morning a lot of conservatives are not jumping to Ed Whelan defense.

For instance I just looked at More on the Anonymity Issue and Save a Step and Skip to "Nyah, Nyah!"

The Anchoress also states I missed this whole controversy, but it seems to me that unless someone is slandering another, outing another or breaking a law, you leave ‘em alone. I’m also of a mind that if a gay person wants to be in the closet, they should not be outed.

I think something else is happening . That is I suspect most people never heard of these characters involved in this drama but it touches close to home.

This is all sort of new ground here. The whole privacy and the expectations of bloggers under some sort of social contract.

A few months ago the people that supported Prop 8 and gave a few bucks had their names and address's put all over the Internet. In fact through google maps one could go their home. This all seemed to be a violation of the social contract as to the sanctify of the home.

If you are against gay marriage you are labeled a HOMOPHOBE!! A HATER. This is just one example.

So I think conservatives, liberals and those without politics might be a tad on edge as to this.

All sort of interesting questions are being raised both pro and con on this issue. But I do think conservatives are a tad sympathetic to the outed blogger because of recent events.

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