Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Anglican Nuns Swim the Tiber and Become Catholic (Updated)

This is interesting. Creative Minority Report has the story at Anglican Nuns To Join Catholic Church

I have always found this Anglican order of Nuns and such interesting. I have always toyed with the idea of writing an alternative history book (kinda of a Turtledove thing) where the Protestants had celibate monks, nuns , and sisters.

It very well might have happen if the reformers had not been so sex crazed and irrational toward celibacy. In fact one wonders if the reformation at some core level was just about sex. For background on that see Armstrong's post on this subject here and here and also touched on here.

What would the world have looked like with Methodist Monasteries and Presbyterian Southern Sisters ministering to the Civil war wounded. Baptist schools staffed by celibate religious orders.


Much more interesting stuff here and also here


Carlos Echevarria said...

I knew this was coming upon seeing the story this morning:

James H said...

Oh Gosh I will have to check that out