Thursday, June 18, 2009

Acton University Is Starting Up- Faith and Economics

Father Z has this Report on Acton U - III

AU will bring 400 people together from almost 50 countries. 33 lecturers offering more than 60 courses. 100 different events includes meals, meetings, receptions and panels and networking groups. A couple of the major groups will be almost 30 Catholic High School teachers working on curriculum and bringing economics into the CHS curriculum, and 30 Protestant seminary professors discussing culture and needs at seminaries across the country. Attendees primarily Christian, though the conference will include lectures on Islam by Mustafa Akyol, and a handful of Muslims and Buddhists are participating to learn more about the intersection of Christianity and Free Market Economics.

Always some good stuff.

The Action Inst Blog is here

Here is a list of topics that are too same the least are very interesting.

They say some of these talks will posted online later this week.

Here is some podcasts from last years conference that are very very good

See the latest roundup on whats going on here

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