Wednesday, February 18, 2009

SSPX Gives Deadline to Bishop Williamson- Pope Benedict's Wisdom Shines Again

Familiar story. The press and the talking heads said the Pope's remarks toward Islam sets us back 40 years and how DARE he baptize a Muslim. We see in reality much dialogue and in fact improved relations in some areas. Here the Pope was accused that he set back Jewish relations. It appears the Holy Fathers actions is doing the opposite. That is making the extreme elements in SSPX to have to repent or else. From the Ratzinger Forum translated

FSSPX gives Bishop Williamson
till month's end to retract -
or be expelled from the society

MAINZ, February 18 (Translated from - A representative of the FSSPX has announced that Holocaust denier Richard Williamson could be expelled from the society unless he withdraws his statements on the Holocaust by the end of February.

Fr. Matthias Gaudron said in a program on ZDF German TV that the FSSPX has given the English-born bishop until the end of February to make his retraction.

"As traditional Catholics, we have no reason to downplay Hitler's crimes or in any way to describe the Nazi regime as any less horrible than it was," Fr. Gaudron said, adding that "Fr. Williamson has caused great harm to our society" [by his statements on the Holocaust].

1 comment:

Michael Hoffman said...

German Rev. Fr. Franz Schmidberger can opine in public that Muhammad was a child molester and he reamins a member in good standing of the SSPX.

Bishop Williamson questions details of the "Shoah" cult of Holocaustolatry and he's threatened with expulsion?

The new rabbinic/papal "Shoah" theology is heresy, replacing Christ on Calvary with the Auchwitz, as the central martyrdom in the history of the West.

Making an idol out of Auschwitz is a grave sin. For the pope to do this and the SSPX to cooperate with it, is an abomination.

It is perfectly legal in Europe to deny that Jesus died on the Cross or Resurrected from the dead. But it is a criminal offense punishable by up to five years in prison to deny execution gas chambers in Auchwitz. Which then is more sacred in the modern West?

Holocaustolatry is the civic religion of Europe, Canada and the U.S; the last truly believed state religion in the otherwise agnostic West.

It is incumbent on Christians to expose it. God bless "Richard the Lionheart"!

--Michael Hoffman