Monday, February 2, 2009

Is this Building a Church or Not?

I so agree with the Anchoress when she says "I can’t wait for the era of ugly churches to end." Join the contest and see the pictures. She has the link at Argh. Are they are churches?


Paul Bernacchio said...

Let me give you two of the ugliest and weirdest churches you will ever visit. St. Mary's Rockledge, Florida.
Please see
I have been in there and it looks like it was designed, created and built by a committee of science fiction writers. The other one is closer to home St. Jean Vianney in Baton Rouge. With it's cold concrete slab walls with the holes from the rebar visible to all parishioners and its panoramic view of a slum like duplexes, this church begs the question: what were they thinking?

Paul Bernacchio said...

Here is St. John Vianney in baton Rouge in case you've never been there.,%2Bla&usg=__-kOAVm_oDb0ESsJ58WR8sVIcNLw=&sa=X&oi=image_result&resnum=2&ct=image&cd=1

James H said...

Oh Gosh that is horrible

Michael D. said...


If you think that is horrible
a) You didn't see the Mary statue
b)You didn't see the front doors.
c) You didn't see any of it at night

I've done all three, and it's amazing. Mary at night reminds me of a ringwraith. I'll see if I can find a photo.