Monday, February 2, 2009

Does Stormy Daniels Hurt Louisiana Democrats?

Louisiana Republican Congressman Bill Cassidy wearing a Draft Stormy Button

Opinionated Catholic is good Orthodox family friendly blog. We also discuss politics and Louisiana politics to a certain degree. How I and others Catholic and Christian bloggers handle what appears to be the elephant in the room as to the future Louisiana Senate race will be interesting - well I will try my best to be tasteful.

There are also some legitimate political considerations here. So I am not so sure I can ignore it all together. In fact whoever is backing this and if its the porn industry is likly going to have legions of lawyers demanding that the public airwaves and public forums be open to her as to debates. In other words I am not sure I can ignore what every politico and the newspapers will be talking about and pretend it doesn't exist.

I mentioned a few days ago that there was evidence in D.C. that people were looking for a Adult porn star to run against David Vitter in the upcoming race. I had as well as others thoughts on who this could be behind this.

Well we might have the answer at Politico article Shenanigans: That could be Senator Stormy to you

A spokesman of the Louisiana Dem party states:
“The Louisiana Democratic Party is not affiliated with the ‘Draft Stormy’ initiative — that movement is a nonpartisan, grass-roots effort,” Scott Jordan, spokesman for the Louisiana Democratic Party, told us. He added: “If their recruitment effort works, it will surely be interesting, for example, to hear David Vitter explain his vote against the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act to Stormy Daniels.”

Here is the Draft Stormy movement web page ( the web site is pretty work safe though it should be apparent that a few links on the resources page are not)

We learn among other things that
"Stormy Daniels has been breaking barriers and shattering glass ceilings her entire life."

"Her business experience would bring an important voice to the table in a time of economic pain, that of Louisiana’s working men and women."

"Whether it’s the couple in their garage inventing our next source of energy or Stormy working on her next feature, all entrepreneurs deserve to know that the results of their efforts are going to be protected. This is the ultimate role of our government in a free market economy. Without these protections, enterprise suffers, creativity dims and a once healthy free market system finds itself on a collision course with socialism".

Now what strikes you about this site is that it doesn't look like some yahoo LSU college kid just put it up for a joke. The Craiglist ad that has been referenced been mentioned they were hiring staff. So while the Web site is not affiliated with her" officially" it looks well done

The fact that it appears there were people passing out embarrassing Mardi Gras beads way up in D.C. and REPUBLICAN CONGRESSMEN ARE WEARING THEM without thinking what it is shows perhaps the organized circus this will be.

Now it is apparent that this is some joke really and she has no chance of getting elected. But I also get the indication she is is pretty bright and once she opens her mouth and says things intelligent the Press will even more love her.

To get more bang for their buck ( their main interest is financial) it should be obvious she will not being running in the GOP or Dem closed primary. They want to go all the way to the end of the general.

The interesting thing here is who does this hurt.

Well of course David Vitter will not like it and I suppose it will make Louisiana look bad. I guess Christian Morality will take a wacking, porn will become more legitimized , and serious public civic engagement will take a blow. But in a pure electoral sense who does it hurt on election day.

Will real Louisiana Libertarians go flocking to her in the voting booth? I think not they don't want their party too look like a joke. So lets suppose there is Vitter, and a yet to be determined Dem, and Stormy.

Will the people that want to do their annual protest vote for the DEM or Stormy? How many people that want to embarrass Vitter and don't like him will vote ,in order to put the knife into him a little more, vote for Stormy over the Dem?

Are people that have the "what the hell moment" in the voting booth going to be a more Louisiana Democrat demographic than a Republican one?

While the Democrats might have a huge amount of laughs at Vitter's expense on this at the end of the day who does this hurt in the voting booth. If she becomes the symbol of protest and anti Vitter vote does that not really hurt the legitimate Democrat person running?

It all depends on how the Vitter people handle this of course but he has a huge block of loyal voters and his staff in Louisiana is pretty good. David has an opportunity to really take some principled stands the next few months that Louisiana voters will like.

In a close race Stormy could be factor and not perhaps in the way some Democrats think.

The only upside I can think to this is the perhaps if Stormy goes to the Gulf areas an fawning national (mostly male)press corp will follow her and they will take notice our Coasts are eroding.

Update II-

Do national Democrats welcome this? What ever happen to that phone number list that was part of the whole Madam investigation that had thousands of D.C. numbers on it. Funny how people lost interest in that and who else was on it.

Update III - THe Gambit smells Democrats at work see Storm Watch 2010

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