Saturday, April 10, 2010

Rod Dreher Falls For NYT Story on Pope Benedict and Oakland Priest Hook , Line, and Sinker.

I know this is a sensitive issue for ROD. Still with his insight into the topic I thought he would have enough knowledge to key in on the issues here. Guess not!!! Also to get the basic concepts down of what is going down.

See Ratzinger: "Bishop, take your time with that pedophile" See what Rod is missing at my post The Day After Another Supposed Pope Benedict Scandal Clarity

I must saying I am not too appalled that a child abuser did not have his vow of celibacy lifted so he could marry till he reached 40 years of age.

Having this story released on a Friday should clue people in on the sensational quality of it. Still by the time Rod posted this the story was already falling apart as it was clear what was going on.

Again I am wondering why people are hyperventerlating on laicization or “defrocking”?

Does the symbolism here trump the substance I thought we wanted to get away from symbolism and solve the real problem.

Oh well there is was official "laicization" so legally according to Church Law he is is now with all the i's dotted and t's crossed in the class of the Laity and the papers can call him a EX PRIEST instead of "Priest" or a Priest that left the ministry.

Well it really does not mean a hill of beans as to the problem but boy do we feel better and looks good too. All neat and tidy.

Still it seems that what was happening was not only becoming clear but using google translate one could have found out last night in Italy what was happening.

I think as we have seen over the last three weeks before believing everything on the net or in the papers we need to like wait a few hours.

Update- I guess the reason I find this depressing is that people who have some knowledge of the Religion beat are just so quick to the draw. Then well where does taht leave us with the full secular press. So my frustration is not so much with Rod but just the basic situation.

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