Sunday, April 11, 2010

Many Critics of the Catholic Church Want It To Be like the Episcopal Church USA

I think that is clear. Maureen Dowd's is just one that if you read her would love :

female priests,
female bishops,
gay marriage,
gay partnered priests and Bishops ,
a Church that proclaims a right to a abortion,
a Church that is all ok with birth control,
a more democratic Church where doctrines are voted on,
a Church that is not so hung up on sexual sin but social justice
A Church that is open to dialogue on Euthanasia
A Church that has a more modern Protestant and non Sacramental view of Divorce
a Church that embraces a more Feminist theology
A Church that does all this but still has some Catholics looking (smells and bells) in it

They will keep the Vatican and the Pope because he (or she) is nice to have and he can watch over the Vatican which is nice to have so we can visit it when we go to Rome on vacation.

Now Dowd and others of course know (well I least I hpe they do and not that clueless) that all this would create a terrific schism, a revolt, a tearing of the body of Christ, any reuniting with the Eastern Orthodox is destroyed, and needless to say ecumenical relations with a good bit of the Protestant world (this is ok because they don't like those fundies)would be dead.

So is it worth it. Not dealing of course with the most important thing , that is if any of this is the Gospel of Christ, but how is this working out elsewhere.

What I describe above as to what the Church critics wants is everything Episcopal Church USA has become all in a short time. There was a REVOLUTION BABY!!!

So how is that working out!!! Well not to well as the Episcopal Church is still in a vast membership decline. There has been no rushing to the Episcopal Church USA that we are led to believe now is teaching the true message of Christ. WHy not if that messageis so filled with the Holy Spirit. We have all had membership declines because of the culture we are in. However the Church has embraced some of the most biggest causes of this culture and BAPTIZED IT. It appears that has just accelerated the decline

But we have a bigger problem that strangely has been ignored my the MSM as the Catholic Church's critics that have used the Church abuse scandal to further this agenda. It appears that the ANGLICAN COMMUNION is on the verge of REAL schism and this time it appears to be happening.

It again went unnoticed but one of the big players unleashed the bombshell in reaction to events in the Episcopal Church. See SHOWDOWN. In that you can sense also the the good Archbishop is seething at the class and racial dynamics at play here too. Then we see further troubling signs. See AND SO ON.

What is the reaction of the Episcopal Church USA. Well possibly to do it again in of all places UTAH!!! See ROUND THREE?

They literally don't care. They are just fine with replacing the Apostles' Creed "One Holy Apostolic Church "with one "American Church". Now this would not be so bad if it mirrored Eastern Orthodoxy where we see the Greek Orthodox Chruch, The Russian Orthodox Church, the Romanian Orthodox Chruch etc etc etc. Except they are nothing like the Orthodox Church where all these "Churches" act in Union with each other and their faith anchored by scripture and the Traditions of the Church Fathers.

The current leadership does not give a darn of the world wide consequences of this especially in areas where Anglican Christians are in the fight of their lives with radical Islam.

What will happen. Well the Anglican Communion will be torn , the Episcopal Church USA will divide into the Orthodox Camp and this new vision camp , and if we are all still around in 30 years African Anglicans will be setting up Mission Parish's all around the USA to bring the message of Christ to ex Episcopalians.

So perhaps people should take a break pronouncing the collapse of the Catholic Church(which has been hoped for by some for about 2000 years) and take a look at what they want to become in full living color!!

I have never understood the idea where people got the IDEA that God's views the United States Church as some new Israel. Whether that is in some Catholic circles whom want to bring forth this new gospel to the world or in current events we see in the mainline Protestant bodies. But somehow they do think that which is arrogance beyond belief.

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