Friday, April 2, 2010

A Lutheran's Great Article On Why Pope Benedict Is Under Constant Attack

If there is one piece ( and I suggest you read the whole article) you read as to Pope Benedict and the Crisis in the Church it is this. Father Z has it at LOCK AND LOAD! LUTHERAN CLARITY about the attacks on Pope Benedict! .

Pope Benedict( way before he was Pope even) has been under constant attack. It gets tiresome. Every major move he makes is viewed in the most negative and alarmist lens. We have seen this play out on

The allowance that the traditional Latin Mass be said more
The talks to try reconcile and bring back some "Traditional" Catholics back into the Church
The move to reach out to disaffected Anglicans
His comments on the epidemic of Aids and other scourges
His vocal opposition of course to abortion and same sex marriage

Etc Etc Etc

What has gotten a lot of people's goat in both the secular and religious world is how this still almost painfully shy man is so effective.

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