Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The Episcopal Church is Looking For a Few Good Communists

Ok this is sort of amusing. See RED BAITING. I have to admit I am a tad shocked in this day and age some 15 year old is heading up a High School Communist club

I have a hard time imagining an Anglican or for that that matter a ANGLO CATHOLIC COMMUNIST.

It just seems not to compute. It just does not seem to go with Queen and Country and the Elizabethan Settlement. But look at the links at the Links. They existed

I must say I think our "Catholic" communists got the Anglican communists beat any day of the week. Some of our folks put the L in liberation theology. We have former Priests that were Communist officials in Central America back in the days and yes all those folks with the machine guns down in South America and such.

Maybe we should be making a play on getting this kid to cross the Tiber :)

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