Sunday, August 23, 2009

When Protestants Change Core Doctrine It is Called "Converstion"

UPI have to give to Calvin and Luther and big ole Henry himself. Back then was no talk of "Conversations". They just did it and no apologies. There is some refreshing honesty about that.


.....Adversaries like Tobias Haller and Louie Crew have dropped by from time to time and I’ve made it clear that, (1) abuse of liberal commenters will not be tolerated and, (2) I and I alone would determine would determine what constituted abuse of liberal commenters.
Then there’s the language issue. I don’t want this to be a place where people indiscriminately drop F-bombs so if you do, your comment will either be edited or deleted. But that said, I have to admit that there are times when
I wonder why I bother:
ELCA Presiding Bishop Mark Hanson said after the vote that he would commit himself to keeping opponents of the new policy within the ELCA fold.
“For those that did not prevail tonight, are you willing to stay engaged in the conversation?” Hanson said. He added, “I’m pleading with people to stay in there with us in this conversation.”

Hannie? Guess what, dumbass. The “conversation” is over. You just decided that unrepentant sinners can be…well, pretty much anything in the Evangelical Lutheran Thing of America

I also suspect if history is any guide in these things that the conversations is very much over in ELCA educational bodies and seminaries. Pretty much now those that fail to support the party line are very likely not going to get their degree and thus ordained. I have found that in reality in Catholic and Protestant circles the more Progressive branch is pretty good when it has the power of stamping out "conversations"

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