Thursday, August 6, 2009

Stopping the Lies on End of Life Health Care Meetings Under Obamacare

At NRO they point out that those Nazis (as someone today called those that oppose this Health Care Plan Gift From the gods) are just trying to scare you.

Getting to the Bottom of 'End of Life Counseling' Proposals
In order to get myself back into the good graces of the White House Office of Disinformation, I'm going to take some time to clear up some of the misperceptions about the "end-of-life counseling" provisions in the various Democratic health-care bills.

"End of life counseling" isn't mandated under the Democrats' legislation. As the bill is currently written, at age 65, you're simply invited to participate in a discussion with a doctor about when the government will stop paying for your health care. The federal government has even generously decided to underwrite the costs of this meeting between you and the doctor about when the government will stop paying for your health care.
The decision of when you stop draining valuable and limited government resources and accept your demise is an intensely personal decision, between you, your doctor, and the yet-to-be-appointed
members of the medical review board. And of course, it is absolutely unimaginable that this process could somehow lead to an incentive to limiting how much the government will spend on your health care as you become older and older. The federal government's newfound emphasis on eliminating "unnecessary and wasteful" expenditures in health care will find some other procedures to eliminate, like all those blue pills when the red pills are just as good and cost half as much.

Don't let these crowds of nervous seniors confuse you; they're probably confused themselves. Government programs never have unintended consequences, and federal programs never expand and grow beyond their original purpose and mandate. As you look at your federal government, you can rest assured that they have absolutely no problem spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on medical procedures to keep you alive, even if the actuarial tables suggest you'll be dead pretty soon anyway.
The last thing this provision could be is a slippery slope leading to an Eskimo ice floe

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