Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Obama Should Hire Mickey Kaus!!!

As a Republican I think Kaus is such a worthy foe. Partly because he refuses to sugarcoat BS. On the Catholic side of the debate there was a surge last week in " I can't believe you greedy RepubCatholics don't won't to spread the wealth to help poor folks get health care"

That is so like so one month ago. Obama could have won that argument. What has caused the opposition is people scared to death that to "insure" the uninsured their health care is going to look like a nightmare of going down to the local Parish (to you outside non Louisiana Heathen- County) health units.

Kaus ,a supporter of Health care Reform, correctly saw the problem like eons ago (in political time) as the whole curve-bending cost saving policy wonks thing. . Old folks , correctly , got alarmed. In other words health care equality means it sucks for everyone. That is nothing that makes people want to invest a trillion bucks into anything

So while some are in despair playing the racism card Kaus like usual is pointing at the real problem at This is Plan B? .

I don't know much about Kaus. I envision him doing his political wisdom from some grungy apartment in LA. Hopefully he stays there. If the Obama political team starts listening to him we GOP folks are in trouble.

1 comment:

hampshire said...

I don't think so much..