Wednesday, August 12, 2009

More talk of Secession!!!

There is interesting post over at Front Porch Republic that was done in April. It is still generating comments See Taking Secession Seriously–At Last

Now I totally disagree with his main argument. I don't think there is a Legal right to secede at all no matter how much many people wish it were there.

Still for such a " localist" type blog I am sort of amazed no one follows this to the logical conclusion. What do you do with the people that don't want to SECEDE.

This is not 1860. No doubt in 1860 one could over all over the South and not find one person that voted for Lincoln. Or one could go to the North and not find hardly anyone that voted for one of the more Southern folks. While it is tempting to talk about Red States versus Blue States that is not really the reality. Just look at the County by County maps. Heck you have often sometimes massive division in the same county. In Louisiana ( A very Red State) John McCain actually gained votes versus Bush in the 2008 election. Still it was not an replay of 1860. The final totals were Mccain 1,148,275 votes and Obama 782,989.

Lets say that in some alternative world Governor Perry of Texas says We ARE OUT OF HERE. Come down here and kill Texans to prevent us from leaving. We dare you!!

The question that amazingly goes unnoticed most of the time is what the New "President" of Texas and his supporters going to do to those that are not thrilled with this. Round them up? Put them in Jail? Confiscate their property and put them in exile? Execute then as traitors? Would "President Perry" follow the example of a former Governor that sent the military to terrorize German Texas Unionists? Really for all this secession talk and people that like to talk about it I think they owe us a little explanation of how they intend that to work.

You could use a liberal example. What if the State of California announces "enough of you yahoo RED STATES" we are seceding and becoming a Socialist paradise. I fully suspect lets says people of a more conservative bent would be demanding the Federal Govt come to their aid to save them from their new masters.

Shelby Foote made an excellent observation. Before the Civil War it was correct to say the United States "are". After the Civil War people said the United States "is". That is partly because both soliders from the North and South got out of their little towns and actually saw their country. They had a more of a sense of ownership over the entire thing. As Foote stated the Civil War basically made us from a "are" than a "is".

If anything this outlook has become more dominate and is not going away.

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