Monday, August 17, 2009

Louisiana Democrat Chairman That Ran Anti Catholic Campaign Under Fire Again

I was reading this last week in my mom's hospital room. See Opponents gauge support for La. Democratic chief.

It appears segments of the Dem Grassroots are not happy either. See via this DEM blog Louisiana Democrats Paying the Price of 'The Whittington Tax' .

Now I suppose it is true Whittington as to the last years Congressional races had a tad of bad luck. When the hurricane came all elections were pushed back in Louisiana. So with African American turn out maxed like never before this occurred on the day of the party primaries not the GENERAL. Say Hello To Republican CAO and Fleming. The lost chance in the Northwest Louisiana Congressional District is must be what smarts to Louisiana Democrats. They had a chance to take it. Now it might stay Republican for another 10 years. But still Whittington had plenty of time to prepare a game plan for this and did not.

What is not mentioned in the article is that this is the mastermind of one the most vile anti Catholic Campaigns I have seen in Louisiana history. That is the ads against Jindal in mostly Protestant North Louisiana. Which resulted in Catholics up here getting mighty upset and Evangelicals highly annoyed that the Louisiana Democrat party thought they were a bunch of bigoted unsophisticated yahoos. To his credit Catholic Lt Governor Mitch Landrieu was highly upset about that and led the charge to try get him removed.

It appears sadly for the DEMS they did not listen.

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