Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Catholics Against Health Care Nuts (Join Up)

The Forefather and Hero of Health Care Nuts protecting our bodily fluids

The call is going out. We must get the present Health Care Reform bill passed. In the last week there has been a disturbing trend. A loss of nerve one can say. There seems to be a line of logic that those that have concerns over health care reform should be engaged. In fact we have even been treated to the spectacle of some United States Senators (who on our side) saying that those that have such concerns are SANE AMERICANS.

Thankfully this counterproductive pandering to the mob that represents what is worse in America (Click here for pictures of the usual suspects) is still a minority approach. Rep. John Dingell does the Lord's work in reminding us that Health Care reform opponents are like Klan & White Supremacists. We must never forget who we are dealing with. As Rep. Brian Baird (D., Wash.) so well puts it Health-Care Opponents remind him of Tim McVeigh.

A Brown Shirt- Also you can bet opposed to Health Care Reform. See the connection!!!

I have been dismayed that Catholics do not recognize the threat and the enemy. The same enemy that has been keeping us down forever. Here in Louisiana I have had to calm my nerves by listening to the rational reasoning of Amy Goodman on Democracy Now who understands these things.

Thankfully the laity of Holy Mother Church has answered the call. There is a superb post at VOX NOVA that's own title gets to the point. See HEALTHCARE NUT CASES.

It does a great job of not only showing all these objections are silly but exposes the people making this silly charges. In fact I would recommend you email this link to our friends and family that have reservations over the health care bill. It surely will win friends and influence people.

Health Care Nut Case pursuing the policy of Manifest Destiny.

Morning Minion at HEALTH CARE NUT CASES like the glorious soldiers in gray at Picket's chargef engages in a discussion that no doubt like there will result in a victory. I was dismayed when the usual reliable liberal Michael Kinsley said "If the government requires insurers to accept all customers and charge all the same price, regulates all aspects of their marketing to make sure they aren't discriminating, and then redistributes the profits to make sure that no company gets penalized unfairly, in what sense is the industry still 'private'?" . Again people are getting off message. Morning Minion in his post helpfully reminds us that this bill is just an "MODEST AND INCREMENTAL CHANGE". Please just keep repeating that when the forces of darkness start making even us sane folks question things.

Know Nothing Anti Catholic Health Care Nut Parody(Actually this makes fun of Anti Catholic behavior of people that support the current Health Care bill but you get the point.) We all know that Health Care nuts hate Catholics and beat them up.

Again the piece speaks for itself. It also in a sly way reminds us Catholic bloggers not to get hung up over the whole taxpayers will be paying for abortion thing. Take that MR "I will not lose my Soul" Thomas More Quoting FAUX SOCIAL JUSTICE CATHOLIC CONGRESSMAN CAO OF NEW ORLEANS and put it in your pipe and smoke it. Hopefully Morning Minion that lives in D.C. will send a copy of this piece down the street to the United States Bishops Conference's Pro-Life Director. See via the John Bircher Blog THE CATHOLIC KEY (associated with the Catholic Newspaper of Kansas City- St Joseph) USCCB Prolife Chief Draws 'Lines in the Sand' on Healthcare.

These are tough times and we must not get off message. The forces of intolerance (See KofC Resolved - No Abortion in Healthcare, No Platform for Pro-choicers) cannot get us down and off message. As Morning Minion so helpfully states these is not the only topic of discussion. Of course in reality people are engaging other parts of the bill but as Morning so well states they are just "making up stories"

Patriotic Health Care Nuts

Morning Minion also includes what should be in every good Catholic Social argument on Health Care. That is a good bit of Governor Palin bashing. In fact IMHO no Catholic Social Justice argument period is complete without talking about that trashy evangelical beauty queen rube of a Governor.

He helpfully reminds us that "intelligence is not her strong suit". I think he does a good job of refuting the comments of wacko Indian Killing, Know Nothing, Loyalty Oath ,forced confession , Catholic bloggers as to this issue. See this poor lost Catholics post Yes Governor Palin Has A Point On Health Care Reform Fears.

Morning has other facts including reminding us that the bill will help the poor. Now of course the current plan is likely to devastate rural health care and close a ton of hospitals in those areas. See this comment and link. But there must be sacrifices and if the rural black, Hispanic, and white folks of of Alabama have to pay a price so be it. Let those Bama Nick Saban Football loving neo con Mother Angelica EWTN nuns take care of them. Catholic Social Justice in action!!! It will be good for them. Maybe we can even send that horrid Deal Hudson out there to clean a few bedpans and operate the defibrillator. We kill two birds with one stone.

In reality I think having a hospital close to you when you have chest pains is overrated. Anyway we Catholics all support rural folks. I mean we sometimes even pay a dollar for that nice calender the Catholic Extension folks put out. What else do they want!!!!!

Anyway I am getting off point and again this shows a danger. We can't let people think there is any problem. Recall those words "MODEST AND INCREMENTAL CHANGE".

There is not much more to say. The piece speaks for itself and I would suggest emailing the link to your friends and family. I will end again with this warning. Know your enemy. I go along with Morning in adopting this sentiment and observation :

They have always been with us, the people who believed in manifest destiny, who delighted in the slaughter of this land's original inhabitants, who cheered a nation into a civil war to support an economic system of slavery that didn't even benefit them. They are the people who bashed the unions and cheered on the anti-sedition laws, who joined the Pinkertons and the No Nothing Party, who beat up Catholic immigrants and occasionally torched the black part of town. They rode through the Southern pine forests at night, they banned non-European immigration, they burned John Rockefeller Jr. in effigy for proposing the Grand Tetons National Park.

These are the folks who drove Teddy Roosevelt out of the Republican Party and called his cousin Franklin a communist, shut their town's borders to the Okies and played the protectionist card right up til Pearl Harbor, when they suddenly had a new foreign enemy to hate. They are with us, the John Birchers, the anti-flouride and black helicopter nuts, the squirrly commie-hating hysterics who always loved the loyalty oath, the forced confession, the auto-de-fe. Those who await with baited breath the race war, the nuclear holocaust, the cultural jihad, the second coming, they make up much more of America then you would care to think.

Indeed let sanity prevail


Morning's Minion said...

On the Kinsley quote: ""If the government requires insurers to accept all customers and charge all the same price, regulates all aspects of their marketing to make sure they aren't discriminating, and then redistributes the profits to make sure that no company gets penalized unfairly, in what sense is the industry still 'private'?" .

This to me, sounds like a throwback to the laissez-faire liberalism condemned by all popes from Leo XIII onwards. The private market does not embody virtue. It is merely a means to an end, that of supporting the common good. If there is an egregious violation of the common good, as there is in the current health insurance system, then it is incumbent on the government to step in and fix the problem. Fixing it in the way Kinsley seems to dislike would further the goals of solidarity and the preferential option toward the poor.

Remember what the current system gives us. I will repeat it again and again and again. 47 million are uninsured and a further 25 million are underinsured. Medical costs are probably the leading cost of bankruptcy in the United States. The poor end up in emergency rooms, where the treatment they get is too little and too late. Insurance companies prey on suffering by refusing coverage, dropping coverage, and denying claims — something that again disproportionately affects the poor.

James H said...

Morning you have a point. But again to fix that is not some samll or incrential change. If Americans are about to embarck on this then people need to be honest

Again I am for Health Care Reform . THough I disgree with some of your figures on the numbered of insured(to be more specific how we get them insured) I have huge problems how the Health Care of close to 300 millon Americans will be effected to get a much much much smaller number insured.

That is the point. One really wonders if we have totally tear apart the health care system to get people that dearly need insurance to get it.

THAT is the PROBLEM. ANd it should be looked at. COngress folks have now gone back to their districts to get feed back. I was shocked to see Catholic blogs say this is a bad idea. Perhaps we small folks have something to add and in fact give suggestions.