Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Leading First Amendment Legal Advocate Defends North Dakota Religious Liberty Amendment From Minneapolis Star-Tribune

There is a very good response by Prof Berg to a rather curious  editorial of the  Minneapolis Star-Tribune asking North Dakota voters to vote against the Religious Liberty amendment. See Religious Freedom Debate in North Dakota via Mirrors of Justice.

I do find it disturbing that the people that play a major role in guarding the 1st amendment think this just helps "Catholic Bishops" and "Right Wing " groups. It just seems a tad too much the popular political thing to parrot to certain groups.

Berg shows not only how this not true , but gives examples of how this helps progressives and other groups.

He also shows that this potential burden imposed on the Government is nothing new. In fact it is one imposed on the Federal Govt and more than 20 states by statutes or by state constitutional rules.

Life and Government has managed just fine there.

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