Friday, October 8, 2010

Boston College Op Ed - Church Needs To Apply Faith and Reason To Gay Issues

Ahh Boston College is at it again. See Student Paper: BC Should Unravel “tangled knot of Catholic moral theology”

The student newspaper also informs us the Catholic Church" can no longer choose to speak abstractly about this reality in the lives of Catholics."

Who knew that in 2000 years the Catholic Church never tried to use reason in examining this issue. What about all that natural law stuff we have been doing? Did they happen to miss John Paul the II's Theology of the Body? What exactly are they teaching at Boston College?

One cannot help notice that the people making this argument seem to assume that they don't have to make arguemnt based on reason, tradition, theology, or scripture. They just assume they are correct.

In the Episcopal Church a Bishop that supports Gay Unions made the blunt announcement that no one had got around showing why gay unions were right based on Christian theology. See DIOGENES . It would be wonderful if some people on the Catholic side realized that too.

For Catholics at Boston College they also are going to have to deal with the SACRAMENT ISSUE.

The sacramental theology of marriage also has an impact on the very nature of marriage and the marriage act. For a sacrament to be valid we must have proper form and proper matter. The proper matter is a man and woman who intend to contract a sacramental marriage and are free to do so. Consequently, it cannot be a valid sacramental marriage if an impediment exists which means the man and woman are not free to marry. It is obvious also, therefore, that it is simply impossible for two people of the same gender to marry. It might be nice and make people feel 'affirmed' but it isn't a marriage and never will be just as a 'Eucharist' using Coca-cola and potato chips isn't a Eucharist. See Legal Cohabitation or Sacrament? for more on this issues.

Before the Students at Boston College start making demands on the Church perhaps they can get around making the case for their own position first.

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