Friday, October 15, 2010

Church of St. Alfred Hitchcock -THE BIRDS THE BIRDS

Thanks to Bad Vestments for this. See BOIDS
Now first what is going on here. First I am doubtful this is a Catholic Church. See the ALTAR RAIL there behind the scary birds and what appears to be a nice altar.

Good sign that this is not a Catholic Church because Catholic progressives told us those things were not in the spirit of Vatican II. So we had to get rid of them.

Thankfully those folks are dying off or going somewhere else like the Episcopal Church. Since the above is a blog by an Episcopal I suspect this is where this is happening. Though it might be Lutheran.

You see the Catholic born Liturgical Nazis in other faith communities can't get rid the altar rails and make Churches look like Funeral parlors YET ,but they can introduce this fun stuff. It just numbs the senses and does not make the old timers feel too threatened.

What could this mean? Well I am not sure. From the comments:

This gives a whole new meaning to Luther's statement about Zwingli "swallow[ing] the Holy Spirit, feathers and all."

Kudos to Mária Magdaléna's comment! I think the Athanasian Creed says something about "one Holy Spirit, not three Holy Spirits." Something tells me that they can't even spell "Athanasian" in this place!

I don't care if the priest IS black, this is a classic example of bored white people. Real bored.

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