Saturday, June 19, 2010

Irish Newspaper - Many Americans Don't Like Soccer Because of Links to Hispanics

A rather silly article from the Irish Times this morning. See Why the right still considers soccer an un-American activity.

AHH I knew we were to blame!!!!

The articles premise is that Conservatives just hate Soccer for many reason including because it is linked with Hispanics. What silliness. Needless to say lots of conservatives love Baseball and the heavy Hispanic influence there has not caused conservatives to like it less.

I have seen articles by conservatives and liberals that go after Soccer (HOW COME WE CAN"T KNOW HOW MUCH TIME IS LEFT IN A GAME!!). Also I have seen pro articles.

Soccer is gaining popularity here in the USA. I mean FOOTBALL LSU FANS are demanding their own World Cup Soccer Boards and got them.

However in the big picture it has to compete against the big traditional American sports sports in both the schools and pros. This especially goes for kids that in elementary and high school. Even in Louisiana (yes Soccer is played at schools in the major cites) they have to compete further against a growing lacrosse movement. Well there is only so much time in the day.

But here is the huge problem!!! Let us go to most conservative part of the nation whichis the south.

What group seems on the whole to have the least interest in soccer? Why that is African Americans. I see on the whole very few African Americans on soccer teams when the local news does highlights of the local High School teams. Not to say there are not good African American players on these teams just not a lot. Why is this?

Maybe they associated it as a white thing and to boot there is a class issue. That is it is a rich boy game.

Regardless for what ever reason in black neighborhoods you are not seeing a lot of soccer games going on in the streets or parks.

The sports loving south is a needed television and media market to make a sport go nationwide. So that is part of the problem. Further I guess it is no secret that African Americans are often tremendous athletes. So until you get them into the game a lot of people will not watch.

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