Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Conservatives Debating Rush and Sean Hannity Again

Jerry Taylor over at NRO is not exactly a Rush or Sean Hannity Fan and boy did he set off the predictable firestorm. Here is latest that has revelant links to the back and forth.

As I stated before I am not particular big fans either and I agree with Taylor more than Lopez. It is ironic that Lopez is preaching don't attack our own when she and others have made attacking members in the GOP (Conservative to liberal) a fine art. Please recall the repeated attacks against Huckabee long after the primary was over by Lopez. That is just one case.

I actually tend to like Rush better than Sean. With Sean I just the idea that things are going on behind the scenes for his influence that are not in open view.

It should be recalled again that Sean and Rush suffered some in the last primary election where there favorite guy (Romney )did not win. Thought they were pressing him non stop. This I think caused to distaste among many conservatives that thought they should have taken a more neutral Stand. As to Hannity it reached it zenith of silliness on Super Tuesday. See my past post from that day that shows the problem Sean Hannity Goes On Crying Jag because Huckabee Wins a State!!!

Again I listen to both and they have a needed place. I am not saying exile them. That would be stupid and they are a need voice. But Taylor's concerns I think can not be so easily swept aside and neither should a discussion of it on a blog like NRO cause such angst

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