Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Malthusian Mark Krikorian Going Ape over Muslims at a Chicken Plant

The Brown Pelican Society has two post up that caught my eye Small Tennessee Town Outraged Over Tyson Foods Decision to Substitute a Muslim Holiday for Labor Day


State Department 'Going Out of Its Way' To Accommodate Muslims: Tyson Foods Gives Workers, Muslim and Non-Muslim Workers, an Islamic Holiday, Replacing Labor Day

I touched on this yesterday at Why Should I be Getting Upset By This? Union Muslim Workers Get Paid EID Holiday .

I stand by those reasons. For the good people of Shelbyville let me ask you in this good Christian Town -

How many of your stores are open on Sunday?

How many of work or have your employees work on Good Friday? (Do you recall when people got both Friday and Easter Monday off)?

Are you perhaps Uncomfortable because this Muslims are shaming you and me and other Christians?

How many of you just treat any Federal Holiday as a excuse to go the mall like oh Labor Day ?

I hope Catholics that actually are taught or should be taught the sacredness of a Liturgical calender are not taking part in this.

However one Ex Catholic that in his spare time bashes the Catholic Church is gung ho on this crisis.

That is Malthusian Mark Krikorian who is executive director of the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS). Mark Krikorian sadly comments over at National Review masquerading as a conservative. He is against all immigration pretty much. He is radical. He thinks the population of the country should be reduced to 150 million. He is against the illegals, he is against giving citizenship to immigrants that serve in our military, he is against giving visas to really really smart people from India etc etc. Like I said it is a horrific sad state of affairs that he is over at National Review

A few quotes in that second link I gave:
The first sentence that immigrants learned in Henry Ford's English classes [was] 'I want to be a good American.'
And today what is Tyson doing? It's giving all workers, Muslim and non-Muslim workers, an Islamic holiday off and replacing Labor Day," he explains. "I mean it's really pretty outrageous."

Is it? Down here in Louisiana it is often common for workers in Unions and areas of State Govt to decide if they wish to take a Federal Holiday or Mardi Gras. Are we un American? Are we really concerned that 250 hard working African immigrants will not be partying at the lake? What does Mark Krikorian do on Labor day? Is he down there at the Labor Union leading the parade down main street? Giving screenings of the movie Norma Rae to Mrs Lopez, Bryon York, and Jonah Goldberg and his other hommies at the National Review in his home?

The plant has also provided a "prayer room" to accommodate the 250 Muslim employees, mostly Somalis, who work at the plant. Krikorian contends this is a far cry from a century ago when Henry Ford set up English classes at his plants for new immigrants.

The Republic is falling. Why does Mr Krikorian find this un american? Why is he so concerned about a Union making arrangements for their employees?

By the way does Mr Krikorian know this?
That the Celebration of Christmas was in conflict with Puritan beliefs, and its celebration was outlawed in Boston, Massachusetts from 1659 to 1681. Even when the ban was lifted: Christmas was not considered a civil holiday until the late 1800s. That if the 25th of December fell on a school day: classes would be held.

What was cause of the change. Well it was due in no small part to us Papist Foreign immigrant Katholicks and our non American customs.

Update- The Volokh Conspiracy is talking common sense here and has all the facts

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