Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Pope Benedict Presents the Church's Balanced Teaching On Immigration

Good stuff here today. Sadly we cannot put this into a thirty second soundbite for election time but oh well.

Aggie Catholic has The Pope On Immigration.


  1. Well where is the balance? He is saying that we must accept the Mexicans as our brothers and sisters. Most of us conservatives know the difference between our siblings and the illegal Mexicans that are invading our country. Like the one that got drunk and killed that woman on I-20 in the post I just read on MyBossier. If God did not want there to be borders between people, then he would not have put them there.

  2. The balance is the need for people to migrate for economic conditions and other reason and also the right to regulate the flow of migrations for various purposes

    For about 20 years we used this Labor to benefit our economy. They did things like have Children(That are American Citizens) and to part have some extended family. As to illegal immigration no one's is exactly clean and there have been consequences.

    There is a just was of dealing with those consequences and how to deal with immigration in the future.

    The Church ( and other faith communities) in 2007 pretty much endorsed a plan that would have no doubbt deported millions of illegal aliens that would not benefit our society
