Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Bishop of Dallas Makes Statement On Father "Dissent" Curran's Upcoming SMU Speech

Yes Father Curran is still around believe it or not!! The SMU Catholic Student site has the Bishop's statement up here.

Father Curran is like boys wearing parachute pants in 80's. A bad fad that we can laugh about now.


  1. Believe it or not he was at Cornell for a semester(? a year?). Group of us had dinner with him followed by discussion in our dorm "common room". I had assumed he was some sort of fire breathing liberal dragon. He was actually very meek and soft spoken.

    That don't make him right. Just saying I met him and he wasn't what I expected.

  2. Well that is interesting. He is not as quite as VOCAL and out there as some other dissenters I admit.

    I imagine he would be interesting to talk too

    I am looking forward to see if he says anything new this time on the subject
